9-12 Community News

As we come to the end of the week, it’s hard to believe that we are more than half way through Term 3. It has been a very busy week and the remainder of this term is ‘jam-packed’ with opportunities for students and many events on the College calendar.


Science Week

This week has seen the whole school engage in Science Week activities, ranging from ‘Science songs’ at bell times, quizzes, Scientific cinema and Science activities involving Lego, motors and rockets. 

The Science Week theme was even explored in Art classes, with the 9/10 Visual Arts class. 


As part of National Science Week, students in Years 9 and 10 studying Visual Communication Design investigated innovation and what this means within the field of design. Students learnt that Design Innovation is about generating ideas that are humanly desirable, technologically feasible and financially viable. Students created designs that highlighted the impact of a 'throw away society' on wild life.

Thank you to all of the Science staff and the students who participated in the activities. 


Aladdin Jr

This week has seen a number of students from the 9-12 Community rehearsing and performing in the musical production of ‘Aladdin Jr’, including Rose Grills, Katherine Wagner, Sarah Mott and Michael Wagner, who all have leading roles on stage. Congratulations to all involved. 


Footy Colours Day 

On Thursday 31st August, we have our annual Footy Colours Day. This year, we will have another special event on the day. 


Students and Staff from the 9-12 Community will be participating in a special footy match in memory of Zayden Pell.


The match will be held at the Kyabram Rec Reserve and students from Years 7 to 12 are invited to come and watch the game during lunch time.




Sock It To the Can

Students across the College have been very active in supporting the St Vincent de Paul “Sock It To the Can” initiative. We strongly encourage all members of our 9-12 Community to contribute to this worthwhile cause by donating non-perishable food items to those in need. 


Thank you to all the students and families who have already contributed to this year's campaign. Donations will be collected until 4th September. 




Kwong Lee Dow 

This week, current Year 10 students had the opportunity to find out about the University  of Melbourne’s  Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program. This program is open to students from all Victorian schools, offering access to exclusive University of Melbourne events and academic enrichment activities for two years. It gives participants the chance to experience a taste of university student life first-hand, as well as the opportunity to build strong peer networks that will support them throughout their final years of secondary school and during the transition to university. Current Year 10 students who are considering applying for tertiary study, at any university, are invited to apply for this prestigious program. If you are interested, see Mr Downie for more details. 


7-12 Athletics Carnival

Next Friday, 25th August, we look forward to the 7-12 students taking inspiration from the recent exploits of our elite sportspeople performing on national and international stages (Go the Matildas!), in attempting to run, jump and throw faster, higher and stronger (further), as they compete for their House in the 7-12 Athletics Carnival. We are sure you will represent yourself and your House well on this day. 



Students are reminded that from Week 7, in line with the College’s Sun Smart policy, hats will once again be expected to be worn when students are outside during recess and lunch times and during outdoor class activities. 

Details of the College’s uniform guide and policy can be found on SIMON/PAM. 


Open Days

With only four weeks left of term, VCE and VCAL students continue with their coursework and assessments and many are looking ahead to the end of their secondary studies. 

All Year 12 students are meeting with Cath Anderson to plan the next stages of their lives. For those who are considering tertiary study, we encourage them to investigate the many tertiary institutions that are available. Information about Open Days is available on the VCE/VCAL Noticeboard site and this link. University Open Days 2023


Parent Teacher Interviews

Finally, we look forward to seeing many parents and students attend our Subject Teacher Conversations day to be held next Monday, 21st August. This is a great opportunity to meet staff and have a conversation about your child/rens academic progress and work habits as we head toward the end of another busy term.


Michelle Downie                         Brad Downie

9-12 Community Leader           9-12 Community Leader

Wellbeing and Community      Student Learning and Professional Practice