Galilee Out of School Hours Car

Good afternoon, dear families!


“Tremble like a flower” theme was extremely successful! children enjoyed a lot making a lot of types of flowers!!!!!!!!!!


We had outstanding balance morning’ challenges initiated by Aoife and supported by Isabella, Katya, Amara, Lucy, Maeve, and me.


Outdoors blessed us with the amazing weather, so we spent a lot of time playing AFL, soccer, and basketball. The new game “Zombie tag, when the floor is lava” was extremely successful too.


Jai created a new tag game, in which he involved 17 peers.


As well as having plenty of fun, we started to learn a lot about geography, music, sport, literature, science, and music. The most impressive results so far were shown by Peter, Charlotte, Marco, and Matthew.


We continue to improve general children’s knowledge in as many spheres as possible.

Our photos will be louder than words, as always 😊


Please don’t forget to book your children at www.theircare.com.au; and our Holiday Program is already available to book too!


Have a great weekend, and see you in GOSH


Kateryna, Vidya, Kalsey

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