Principals Page

Hello! Hallo! Buongiorno!

I have returned from my amazing six week holiday in Europe, hopefully looking refreshed and relaxed. As always, I feel so blessed to be welcomed back so warmly by the Great Ryrie community, particularly by the students that actually noticed I had been away. It only took one day to be hurtled straight back into action and wow, have I missed out on a lot!


My travels first took me to Germany for a family holiday to celebrate a 70th birthday. We were based just out of Munich in Bavaria which is absolutely stunning, and hiked the German Alps. Well, hike might be overexaggerating, but I took the funicular up a long way and strolled around the Alps at the top, finishing on a hilltop Biergarten. 

I spent some time in Hamburg and Berlin and then moved on to some of the most stunning parts of Italy. My time in Lake Como took me to the Villa that scenes from Star Wars and 007 movies were filmed, and of course a glimpse at George’s Villa. 

I then made my way to the Amalfi Coast which was so insanely beautiful. I feel so grateful to be able to have spent so much time relaxing and taking in the incredible surroundings and views. Of course I needed some time shopping so I had a quick stop in London and caught up with my best friend on the way home.


As I lounged by the pool, overlooking the crystal blue ocean, feasted on my delicious caprese salad and sipped my limoncello in Positano, for a split second I felt guilty about missing out on Production … and then, I got over it!

BUT, it certainly sounds like I missed out on one of our best productions yet! Although I did help coach some of our star performers, I can’t wait to watch the recording of both casts. 

Curtain Closes on 2023 Production

The best part of production is seeing how excited the students are in the lead up and the buzz around the school after show nights. The students have loved telling me about how fantastic the experience was and it is beautiful to see the pure joy on their faces when they talk about it.  I heard I missed out on an outrageous staff item, so I guess I better get my act together for end of year concert!


Well done to all of Cast 2 and of course all the parent helpers and teachers that made the night possible. I’m sure Mrs Murray must have absolutely collapsed last weekend and we thank her again for her talent in writing, producing and directing such an outstanding performance. 

Swimming starts Monday

Just because we thought we should pack more into Term 3, the swimming program will commence on Monday 28th August. Students will only swim on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday next week week. There is no swimming on Thursday.  

The following week, swimming will run every day finishing with a fun day on Friday 8th September. Thank you to all the parents that have offered to help walk to and from the pool. Please look out for any emails that class teachers may have sent with pleas for support. 


Melissa Roberts

Assistant Principal