Orientation Days

Year 9 

Voyage Hike

After an introduction to Care Group and Villages, our Year 9s started their school year with a hike up Anstey's Hill. The Voyage program is special to Endeavour and each Voyage class spent the day bonding as a ‘tribe’ while undertaking physical challenges and setting up their goals for 2025. 

They were treated to fabulous views of the City on the way up Anstey’s Hill and a plethora of nature with kangaroos and koalas a plenty on the hike. They finished the day by sealing their hopes for the year in an envelope and locking them in the Voyage vault until the final ceremony in December. 

We look forward to their development as a Voyage tribe as the year progresses. 

Lauren Dutton

Head of MacKillop Village


Year 11

Connection Builders

On Orientation Day, the Year 11 cohort had a spectacularly exhilarating day filled with games, team building activities and plenty of fun. 

The day was spent learning how to connect with students in other year levels and how we can help welcome the Year 7s in our Village. This enabled us to gain the confidence to talk to and build meaningful relationships with people in other year levels. 


One of the games that we played was called Mrs Mumbly. In this game we had to work outside of our comfort zone to ask the person to our right “is Mrs Mumbly there” whilst trying to hide our teeth from them, causing us to mumble. 


It was super difficult to do without cracking up laughing and everyone had a great time playing. This helped to learn about the importance of effective communication. 


We, as Year 11 students, are all prepared to run icebreaker and team building activities with the purpose of building relationships with others in our Village, particularly students in Middle Years. 


I enjoyed connecting with people in my year level and finding other ways to spread community to people in our Village” 

Paige Emery.


All the games were super fun, even though some of them were super silly.” 

Alex Fechner.


These quotes from a few Year 11s describe just how incredible the day was, and how much we enjoyed the experiences that we had. 

We look forward to being role models within our Village and working with students from all year levels. It may have been a long day, but it sure was fun! 

Alex Fechner, Fran Whittle, Max Hitch and Paige Emery

Year 11 Students