Principal's News

Advent Week 4: The Candle of Joy
This is how God showed his love among us:
He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.
Dear Families,
WOW! What a year it has been! It really does feel like yesterday that I was sitting at my desk writing our first newsletter for the year and welcoming back all our families to the 2024 school year. As I said to our group of graduating Year 6 students last week, it has been a year of ups and downs as we would expect in any school community, but a year filled with many great memories and reasons for celebration.
I thank you all for your support, encouragement and gratitude throughout the year. It does not go unnoticed when a passing comment at the gate or by email is made to thank a staff member or as an appreciation for an event which has been organized. Last Thursday morning many of those parents who have helped throughout the year gathered in the library for a thank you morning tea. I know there are many more who may not have been able to attend so again my thanks goes out to each one of you for your contribution whether small or large as without this help we would not be able to do all the things we do. Special thanks to the members of our Parents & Friends Team and of course our School Board (SAC) members for their contribution and feedback throughout the year.
As emailed yesterday we will have some changes to our staff next year which is both sad and exciting. It is sad that some members of staff will be leaving us to pursue new adventures in different places but exciting to be welcoming new members of staff who I am sure will quickly become a part of our wonderful school community. I know all of you will warmly welcome them as you get to know them next year.
Sadly of course I must also say farewell to Ms Marinelli who I know will be an amazing School Principal and will, as she has here at Trinity, make a huge difference to the lives of the children and families at St Joseph's in Malvern. Ms Marinelli has been a huge support to me and I have learnt so much from her in the time we have worked together and I will miss her hard work, endless energy and the enormous dedication she brings to work each and every day. I wish her all the very best in 2025 and beyond.
Welcome New Staff for 2025
Ms Kim Thien Ton Nu in Year 1/2
Ms Jai Hendy who will be teaching Science and Year 5/6
Ms Jenny Scott who will be teaching Year 5/6
Ms Emma Adnams in Year 1/2
Ms Zoe Carney Teaching in Year 3/4
Ms Denise Kolokotronis who will be our new Visual Arts Teacher
Other changes
In 2025 Ms Belinda Nechwatal will be teaching Junior School music and leading our school choir as well as continuing in her role as Sustainability Leader.
Ms Annie, Mrs Foley and Mrs Evans will be working as intervention teachers across the school to target the specific learning needs of children from Prep to Year 6.
Farewell to Staff
As outlined in my email to families yesterday, we do sadly have a number of staff leaving us next year and we wish them all the very best as they move on to other schools and other roles in 2025. We say farewell to, Ms Shari, Ms Kearney, Ms Marriott, Mr James, Ms Frankie, Ms Georgia and of course to Ms Marinelli. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Bernadette Matthias who has done such an amazing job in developing and leading our school choir. We have seen our numbers grow each year and some wonderful voices developed all due to the hard work and dedication she has shown.
Ignatian Award
As you know, each week an Ignatian award is given out to one student who has demonstrated our school values throughout the week. Normally the winner of this award is shown in Ms Antonella's Student Leader's Page, however, as this is the last newsletter for the year I have included this week's winner her. Congratulations Samantha in Year 6 for showing excellence throughout the year.
As communicated via email recently, next year we will be moving to a new supplier of Before and After School Care. I have included the flyer below which includes a QR Code to register for the service.
Playgroup @ Trinity Primary School
We encourage all those with pre-school children aged 0-6 years to attend these wonderful sessions.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send Ms Kate Foley an email.
Nigel Rodrigues