Grade 5/6 News

As we head towards the end of the 2024, we would like to say well done to all of our Grade 5 and 6 students for their fantastic efforts this school year! 

To our Grade 6 students heading to secondary school, we thank you for your time at St. Bernard's and wish you all the best for next year and beyond. To our Grade 5 students, we can't wait to see you step up into the leaders of our school next year!


 We would also like to thank families for the support you have given us and your child throughout the last 4 terms of learning.

Wishing everyone a happy and safe Christmas and holiday break!

The Grade 5/6 Team 




Orders close for 2025 Grade 6 Tops on Friday 13th December (This week!). Please order these at Flynn's of Wangaratta.

Grade 6 Day out on MONDAY 16th December. Please pay $15 to classroom teacher. 

Grade 6 Graduation is on Tuesday 17th December from 6-7pm in our school hall. 

Last day of school for students is next Wednesday with a normal finish time.