Year 1 Celebration
Year 1 Celebration
This term Grade 1 and 2 students explored the concept of inclusion, exclusion and empathy through media when creating their own short Clay-Mation stop-motion films. Students enjoyed working collaboratively to plan and develop their short films and extended their digital technology skills when using the iPads to take their photos and edit their stories. In the second half of the term, Grade 1 and 2 students enjoyed rehearsing for the Kismet Christmas Carols and built their on-stage confidence when they shared their performance with the Kismet Community.
This term, students had the opportunity to learn about the rich culture and traditions of the Aboriginal people of Australia. They discovered that stories about the land, animals, ancestors, and the Dreamtime are shared through spoken stories and shown in artwork.
Lessons focused on identifying subject matter in an artwork, recognising visual elements such lines and symbols and applying new learning to their own artwork. Students explored a number of experiences - creating an artistic map of Australia using Indigenous designed papers and dot painting technique, using found natural materials incorporated into weaving and an oil pastel drawing of their ‘spirit’ animals.
This term in Japanese, the Grade 1 and 2 students developed their Japanese vocabulary through two topics: self-introductions and days of the week. Students were supported to revise previously learned vocabulary for their self-introductions and to build on this to include their name, age, birthday and likes. Students used flashcards to help with their recall of the days of the week. They participated in games and songs to support their learning. Students developed their reading and writing skills through tracing and copying activities of the focus vocabulary (days of the week and self-introductions). Students learned about the importance of culture and language, and made connections to our First Nation’s peoples by learning vocabulary in Woiwurrung and Japanese. Students participated in rotational activities to support their engagement and learning of term 4 vocabulary, as well as revising previously learned vocabulary.
In Grade 1-2 PE classes, students further developed their foundational movement skills through engaging and interactive activities. They took part in more organized games and sports, learning basic rules and teamwork. Students also explored concepts like spatial awareness and improved their social skills through cooperative play. Students begun to take some control of their learning by designing their own mini golf course to be played by themselves and their classmates.