
PBL - Learn and Let Others Learn        LIM - Be Proactive

This week all the classes have been busy getting to know each other settling back into class. They have been writing their goals for the term thinking of areas they would like to focus on, make and plan and improve in this area. Ask your child what their goal is.




The Stage 3 students have had a wonderful few days welcoming their Kindergarten Buddies for 2025. The have enjoyed playing together, making crowns, reading stories, dancing, singing and sharing morning tea and lunch together. 


Stage 3 ~ Leadership Day 

with Cameron Brown


This week, the Seniors had a great opportunity to learn so much more about what a leader is. Camron Brown came to our school and taught us that leaders aren't the most important people but instead, they know how to communicate with others and cooperate. We did so many activities, like folding paper and making a paper tumbler, trying to make it go a long way, and practising again and again improving each time. It was such a fun experience even though there were challenges on the way. We were in groups with people we have never talked to before. This made our class relationship even stronger.




Have a wonderful weekend!

Melissa Overton

Wellbeing Coordinator