Important Term  Dates




Monday 16th December Student Last Day (P - to Yr 5) Last Day 2.30pm Finish

Tues 17th December Staff Conference Hand Over Day

Wed 18th Dec Staff Conference Day - School office closed


Sunday 26th January Australia Day 

Monday 27th January Australia Day Holiday

Tuesday 28th January Staff Return

Wednesday 29th January Start of School Assessment Day

Thursday 30th January Start of School Assessment Day

Friday 31st January  - Students First Day of School (All students), Preps 9.30am-12.30pm

Wednesday 5th February  Prep Rest Day

Tuesday 11th February Prep Welcome & Buddy Picnic 5.30pm - 6.30pm

Wednesday February 12th - Prep Rest Day

Thursday 13th Feb St Anthony’s 70 Celebration

Monday 17th February Meet The Teacher 1pm finish 

Wednesday 19th  February Prep Rest Days

Wednesday 26th February Prep Rest Day

Monday 3rd March  Preps Commence Full Time

Monday March 10th  Labour Day Holiday No School

Friday 21st March Harmony Day 

Friday 4th April Term 1 Concludes 2.30pm finish