Physical Education

Hi Families,
Wow, where did this term go!! Again, I want to say a big thank you to all of our volunteers this year! We appreciate all that you do to help make sport days run so successfully! If you are keen to volunteer in 2025, please look out for permission forms and email me when free.
2025 Dates for the diary:
Term 1:
Wednesday 12th February: Trials for District Swimming Team (please see link below if your child would like to attend tryouts next year).
Wednesday 26th February: District Swimming (chosen students)
Monday 3rd March: Division Swimming
Tuesday 25th March: Yr 4 Gala Day
Thursday 3rd April: Yr 5/6 Gala Day
Swimming Trials
Thank you to those that filled this out in the last newsletter. For those that missed out, our time trials for the District Swimming team have already been booked and will run at AQUANATION Ringwood, on Wednesday 12th February from 7.30am until 830am. If your child would like to attend the trials, please specify here. Having this information before the day, makes this short session run smoothly.
These are for year 3 to 6 students. Students MUST be turning 9 by December 31 in 2025 to qualify for trials. The races will be timed and the teams will be selected based on these times. The student MUST be able to swim the entire distance on their own safely and comfortably.
As we start looking towards 2025 sport planning and sport equipment and uniform stocktake I just thought I would put a shout out one last time for any uniforms you may have still at home perhaps. We are missing a few of the basketball tops from earlier in the year and some long sleeve football jumpers. If you have any if you could have your child bring them to the office, this would be fantastic.
Have a fabulous holiday break everyone! Enjoy the summer with your family and friends.
I look forward to another great year of PE and Sport in 2025
Stay safe, keep active
Catherine Wall
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Sport Coordinator