Digital Technologies

End of Year Tasks for exiting students
Preparation for any student leaving St James at the end of 2024.
All students St James Google accounts get archived when they leave the school. This is done automatically some time in December, after the school year has ended. I do not have any say on when this occurs as MACS controls this. Therefore it is important that any work that a student has in their Google Drive is copied and then moved to a hard drive, desktop or another Google account. You can also use Google Takeout to do the same process. I recommend you doing this before the end of the school year as I cannot guarantee it will be accessible following their exit from the school. I will remind the students that this will effect throughout the course of the next few weeks, but I recommend you start to think about this before the craziness of the end of year begins.
nForma Reports
nForma have updated the way parents will access reports. They have released an app as well as a new online portal, that you will use your log in credentials from mid year to log into and you will see your child's reports within their app. This app will streamline processes for you and the school in the coming months and years when other areas of the app are fully developed. We are testing the app with one or two parents in the next week or so and then I will provide "how to" guides on what is required well in advance of the reports being published.
Any questions or help please email me at
Nadine Jones
E Learning Leader
STEM Teacher