From Our School Leaders

Welcome Back!
It’s great to see everyone back at school with smiles and a ready-to-learn attitude. We have heard all about the family holidays, time at home relaxing and the Easter Bunny arriving. We hope our school community had a lovely break.
We are starting this term off with a bang! Our Foundation to Level 4 students have begun their two-week swimming program. We have had our school photos, and next week we have District Athletics for our Year 3-6 students, the ANZAC Day Public Holiday on Thursday 25th April, and a Curriculum Day on Friday 26th April.
ANZAC Day Badges And Wrist Bands
ANZAC Day badges and wristbands are now available for purchase at lunchtime from our SRC representatives. All money raised goes to the ANZAC appeal. Badges range in price from $2.00 - $20, and wristbands are $3 each.
Restricted Entry – Michael St Entrance
Next week, the Michael St entrance to the school will be unable to be accessed from Monday 22nd April until Friday 26th April. We are replacing the poles for the shade sails near the junior playground and the entire area will be fenced off and inaccessible while this is happening. Entrances on Ingrid Street and Orson Street will still be open.
2025 Enrolments
This year, our school is using an online system for new enrolments to Victorian government schools called VicStudents. VicStudents is available for students who are enrolling in a Victorian Government School for the first time. This includes Foundation (Prep) enrolments for 2025.
VicStudents has been assessed by the Department of Education to a high degree of security in line with the Victorian Protective Data Security Standards and is compliant with ISO 27001, the leading international standard for information security.
To commence online enrolment visit
to create an account and complete the online application form. Please ensure that all documents required are attached to the application.
A Message From The Minister For Education
The Education Minister, The Hon. Ben Caroll MP, has requested all schools to pass on this short, pre-recorded video that speaks to parents and carers about the importance of the second school term for learning, along with a few helpful reminders.
Term 2 message from The Hon. Ben Carroll MP on Vimeo
URSTRONG Friendology
This term we are introducing a new wellbeing program - Friendology by URSTRONG.
URSTRONG's whole-school friendship strategy has improved the social climate in schools around the world, connecting over a million kids, parents, and teachers with a common language of friendship. We are proud to be a URSTRONG school and are committed to empowering your children with friendship skills.
You are invited to take advantage of a FREE Parent Membership to access hundreds of resources – including an 8 session video series. This will allow you to learn the same language and strategies being taught in the classroom through the Friendology 101 curriculum. We hope that, as a URSTRONG Family, you will reinforce the important messages of empowerment, self-compassion and kindness at home.
As a next step, we would recommend:
- Click here to view an overview of URSTRONG.
- Activate your FREE Parent Membership and explore all the resources available to your family.
- Explore the hundreds of resources available to you!
We believe that empowering our students with these skills will create a culture of kindness at our school and we hope that, together, we can support your children to have healthy, feel-good friendships.
Scoresby Primary School Leaders, Term 2