Parish News

The Feast Day of St Patrick

Mass will be celebrated at 7.30am on Monday 18th March. 


An Old Irish Blessing for St. Patrick’s Day:

May your days be many and your troubles be few

May all God’s blessings descend upon you

May peace be within you, may your heart be strong

May you find what you’re seeking, wherever you roam

May the strength of God pilot us, may the wisdom of God instruct us

May the hand of God protect us, may the word of God direct us

May thy Salvation, O Lord, be always ours this day and for evermore


The Feast Day of St Joseph

Mass will be celebrated at 7.30am on Tuesday 19th March.


Blessed Joseph, husband of Mary, be with us this day

You protected and cherished the Virgin

loving the Child Jesus as your Son

you rescued Him from the danger of death

Defend the Church, the household of God, purchased by the Blood of Christ

Guardian of the Holy Family, be with us in our trials

May your prayers obtain for us the strength to flee from error

and wrestle with the powers of corruption so that in life we may grow in holiness

and in death rejoice in the crown of victory


Easter Volunteers

Easter is the largest liturgical celebration throughout the year and many volunteers are needed across all ministries. 

If you are on the regular roster and attending any of the Easter Liturgies, could you please consider volunteering. 

We are in need of Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Lectors, Altar Servers. 

Please write your name on the sheets on the rear table of the church or contact Helen Williamson on 0408 970 120.

Volunteers are also needed to participate in the 'Washing of the Feet' at the Holy Thursday Mass. Please write your name on the sign-up sheet at the rear of the church if you would like to volunteer. 


Palms & Olive Branches

Due to a limited supply, regrettably the parish will not be able to provide enough palms for everybody this year. 

We are asking those who can bring their own palm or olive branch with them to Mass to please do so. 

Anyone who is able to provide large palms to assist in decorating our Church can drop them off after the morning Mass on either Friday or Saturday.

Holy Week Liturgies


25th March




25th March


2nd Rite of Reconciliation


26th March




27th March




28th March

(no morning Mass)



Mass of the Lord’s Supper


29th March





Stations of the Cross


Solemn Commemoration

of the Lord’s Passion


30th March

(no morning Mass)




Easter Vigil Mass



31st March

8am, 10am  & 6pm

Easter Sunday


1st April


Easter Monday Mass