A Message from the
Assistant Principal
Mr Steven Belcastro
A Message from the
Assistant Principal
Mr Steven Belcastro
Our Year 3 & Year 5 students began their NAPLAN tests this week. The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 which assesses key components of the Australian Curriculum. Students completed the writing test yesterday and reading test today. Next week, they will complete the Conventions of Language test on Monday and the Numeracy test on Tuesday.
Following feedback from the "Tell Them From Me Survey' in 2023, we are trialling a new schedule of communication opportunities for 2024.
This year we will trial:
Term 1: Informal Meet & Greet @ Welcome BBQ
Parent/Teacher Interviews in the last week of term.
Term 2: Half-Yearly Reports
Term 3: Parent/Teacher Phone calls
Term 4: Yearly Reports
Feedback last year from many parents was that they would find having parent/teacher interviews before the middle of the year beneficial. In Term 3, teachers will also make a call to parents as another opportunity to discuss your child's progress.
As always, parents are able to book a time to meet or call teachers any time throughout the year by emailing or phoning the school office to make an appointment.
The Life Education program will be running at our school from the 18th - 21st March. I am sure many of you will remember Harold the Giraffe from your days at school! Each class will attend an interactive and engaging session here at the school in the Life Education mobile classroom. The lessons focus on issues around health and nutrition, personal safety, cyber safety and physical activity. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office.
As part of SPBL (Schoolwide Positive Behaviours for Learning), we have a fortnightly focus. Over the course of the fortnight, the teachers will go over the expectations and the matrix of expected behaviours for that focus area. Teachers may also take the students out to the area to practice 'in-situ' or complete a lesson in class.
The focus for this week and next is the Tennis Courts
We have numerous items of clothing collected everyday, they are placed in our lost property basket outside the school hall. All labelled items are returned to the child's classroom. Items which which are unlabelled will go to the clothing pool.
Please ensure you re-label any clothing your child is able to remove at school as markings can fade over time.
Please ensure ALL of your children's items are labelled including drink bottles, lunch boxes and containers.
Steven Belcastro
Assistant Principal