Principal's Report 

Parent Payments

It is the time of year that the school has issued information about 2024 Parent Payments. This is a payment that parents make to the school for the supplies and subscriptions that their children use during the year.  This is a cost not covered by government funding.  At Windsor Primary School we do not send home a book list that parents need to pay for separately and take responsibility for obtaining. This system too often means that students would start school with either no supplies or the incorrect supplies. This system also mean that parents were responsible for replenishing supplies during the year.  Windsor Primary School purchases the supplies in bulk at a cheaper rate than retail, and then on-costs to the Parent Payment.

A big thank you to parents who have paid the payment and a reminder to those who have not to please pay this as soon as possible.  Any payments that we do not receive means the school needs to take money from other budgets to cover the cost of supplies.  The two budgets that lose money due to this is our digital technologies devices budget and our playground budget.

Please see the office if you believe a payment plan would benefit your circumstances.


Digital Technologies Student Use Agreement

Our teaching teams have asked students to sign a use agreement for how they use our digital technologies.  While using devices allows so much opportunity for students and opens up a wealth of information, we also know that using devices can have its dangers and that they need to be treated with care.  We purposely chose not to have parents sign the agreement as we want students to be responsible for their use.  If a student breaks any part of the agreement and compromises trust, they will lose their access privileges and parents will be notified.