Religious Education 

Eamonn Farrelly - Religious Education Leader 

It’s certainly been a wonderful start to Religious Education at St John’s for 2024! We have been able to explore our College Theme, “That they may be one,” in our classrooms to begin the year – considering how this can be lived out at St John’s and beyond.


The Year 10 CAP Retreat is also a highlight in Term 1 each year. The students involved in the Catholic Education Program had the opportunity to explore servant leadership and consider the ways in which they can be servant leaders within our community. They also had the chance to prepare and conduct a Liturgy of the Word for a class of Year 7 students – fostering a hands-on experience in guiding community worship and bringing Christ to young people.


Over the past week we have had the opportunity to mark Catholic Education Week within St John’s and throughout the Archdiocese. It was a wonderful week of celebrating our Catholic community through engagement, activities and prayer. Some of the activities run included rosary beads making, a Lenten colouring competition, as well as various fundraising for Project Compassion through the selling of hot cross buns and other items, as well as the big Easter Raffle. Thank you to all the wonderful staff and student leaders who supported these activities throughout the week. Your selfless and unwavering support is what makes our Catholic community so great. Also, congratulations to two of our Year 7 students, Gabriel Highland and Aiden Abraham, who took out equal first in the colouring competition with their beautiful pieces of art. Please enjoy some of the photos taken throughout the week.