Vocational Major 

Emily Dias - VM Learning Area Leader 

We hit the ground running in VCE VM this term and do not plan on slowing down! 


Our Year 12 VM students started their year with a proposal to Mr Hogan, outlining reasons for a VCE VM Polo Top. They carried themselves with poise, professionalism and preparedness which resulted in a successful outcome. 


We challenged our Year 11 and 12 Vocational Major students to embark on a year long project focusing on empathy, inclusion and awareness. To begin this project, students and staff were given the task to learn about themselves and establish commonalities with each other through a learner profile. Results unanimously favoured the areas of sport, food and music/ arts. Thus, staff and students began working hard to find avenues for our students to shine within and beyond the College. 


The VM students provided two services this year, pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and Frogs in a Pond at College Aquatics, with all proceeds going to Caritas. In addition to this, they are helping maintain the Community Garden; weeding, turning over soil and planting new produce. Their biggest challenge yet is when they host a week-long event for Harmony Week. The lead up to this event has been laborious with lots of planning, consultation, organising and finalising details. Regardless, we are keen to see all their hard work come to fruition. 


We are fortunate that this learning pathway allows students to engage with their creativity, keep an eye out for more VM hosted events happening throughout the year.