Deputy Principal- Teaching & Learning

  Kamila Bielinski 


NAPLAN test sessions continue next week. Catch up sessions will be organised for students who were absent. 


Reports will be made available to parents later in the year.


It is important to remember that whilst NAPLAN results can give an indication of how a child is progressing in different areas of the curriculum, it does not give a complete picture or represent the worth of any one individual.



The College runs a tutoring program each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the Contemporary Learning Centre (CLC) from 3.30pm - 5.00pm. Students are encouraged to come along and work in an environment which is conducive to study. Tutors are former students, and all students are welcome to come and receive assistance or work in a quiet environment.



As a student, your primary activity is learning.


Learning is not something that simply happens after you read, write and listen long enough. Learning occurs when you follow a particular set of organised procedures. The procedures listed below will assist students to understand and remember material covered in classes. The following procedures commence with effective motivation and occur as a continuing cycle.


Homework is a very important part of education. All students are responsible for recording homework each day, either on their electronic device or in their planner.


General Objectives

  • To develop good reading skills.
  • To revise and consolidate material that has been learned in class lessons.
  • To provide opportunities for personal research outside the school environment.
  • To give further practice in areas that may require rote learning.
  • To develop habits of sound personal organisational skills.
  • To provide for individual needs.
  • To develop a high level of self-discipline.
  • It is hoped that students will develop sound study habits and a love of learning that will help form the basis for success in their senior studies.

Homework Philosophy

Homework has two important components: work set by teaching staff requiring completion by a certain date, and regular revision and study of classwork in preparation for tests and examinations. Both are very important. As you move further through the school, you will find much importance is placed on your study routine. 


Work set by teachers is aimed at reinforcing something that you have learned or are working on at school. Completing it means that links between areas of knowledge can be developed. It is carefully planned by the teaching staff and is very important. Also of great importance is your own revision routine.


From the first day of school, time should be spent in each homework session on review of the knowledge you have acquired. A regular program of revision ought be a part of your daily life as a student. Further, you need to develop a system for making sense of new information. As you learn new material, this can be added to your conceptual understanding. 


Year Level Requirements

You are expected to read a novel for at least 15-30 minutes per night, effective reading develops with practice and is the foundation of all homework. 



Students who have outstanding work in term 1 will be asked to remain at the College on Thursday 28 March (Student Free Day).


Families will receive notification individually. Impacted students will be supervised and supported in the CLC (Library).


Students who choose not to attend will be required to meet with House Leaders and a Deputy Principal and their families in Term 2 to discuss academic progress and support.




Year 7-12 parent teacher interviews are fast approaching and are an opportunity to discuss how students are progressing in the different subject areas. It is important that student learning is at the center of these meetings and as such, they are required to be in attendance. Learning Progress Meetings will be held onsite and online in order to facilitate maximum participation and flexibility.


We are looking forward to meeting with parents and students during these meetings, which are scheduled for:

  • Wednesday 27 March 2.30pm to 8.30 pm - Onsite (College Stadium)
  • Thursday 28 March 10:00 to 2.30pm - Online (Microsoft Teams)

Letters will be emailed to families on Monday 18 March with instructions on how to make a booking.


Please keep a look out in your email inbox for this information.


Please note: 

  • Wednesday 27 March we will be running a shortened timetable; therefore students will be dismissed at 2:30pm
  • Thursday 28 March - Student Free Day and Incomplete Tasks catch up day for students with outstanding coursework.