Faith Matters

at St Francis Xavier School

Dear St Francis Xavier Families,


Last Friday we celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation with Ashirin, Kaley, Liam, Marc and their families.  A last minute change of plan meant we actually undertook the sacrament in our own Red Centre, here at school.  However, I think the familiarity with the environment and the small space ensured it was a very intimate, reverent and yet relaxed experience.  Thank you so much to the candidate's families for the wonderful ways in which they have supported the children to learn prayers, etc and to Fr Chinua, Mr Brendan and Miss Lisa for their preparation.  Communion preparation will begin next term.


Holy Week Rotations

On Wednesday we reflected on the events and meaning of Holy Week as a whole school. 

In mixed age groups the children rotated to six different activities which focused on Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Resurrection Sunday. They experienced a wide range of activities that enabled them to reflect, meditate, be creative, pray and connect the events of Holy week to contemporary society.


As we arrive at the end of our first term may I take the opportunity to thank you all for your support and to wish you a safe and happy Easter. 

God's blessings and best wishes, 


Marion O'Brien

Education in Faith Leader