5/6 T

The start of 2024 has been very busy with lots of exciting things happening. The students have settled well into the year and I am looking forward to what is coming up next.
A reminder that we are going on camp in the first week of next term. We sent a note home yesterday with a list of what to pack. This same list is also on Operoo if you need it during the holidays.
We have also sent home a form for any medications that your child might/ will need to take on camp. We kindly ask that these be returned on the first day back.
I hope you all have a wonderful and restful Easter break!
See you next term,
Miss Tamara
To end the term the students interpreted a range of artworks and explained what social justice issues they were portraying. The students then created their artwork that highlighted a real-world problem as well.
Kinnect to Dance
I was very proud of all the grade 5/6's on Tuesday when they performed the dances they learnt this term. They all did an amazing job and should be very happy with the effort they put into each dance class and the final performance. It was lovely to see them having a good time and encouraging one another.
Congratulations to all the students who participated in athletics last week. When they weren't on the track they were cheering the other people on. It was a great day!