From the Principal

Mr Jon Franzin

Dear Parents, Friends and Students of St Virgil’s


Welcome back. I trust the term break offered an opportunity for some downtime with family and friends. This week, we held two very important days for St Virgil’s: the Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice – our founder, and Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences. These are inextricably linked, as Edmund Rice founded schools to liberate students through education, and our conferences bring together the critical partners in that endeavour; student, teacher, and parent, to discuss how effectively that education is taking place for each student. Is their educational potential being met, and through that, their real human potential? What is going well, what can be improved, and what needs to be addressed? This is the most important meeting of the year for many students (parents and teachers), as there has been enough time for a clear picture to emerge regarding each student’s progress. It is about the students and their educational success; and that requires commitment from students, teachers, and parents, working in unison. It will not happen automatically but is reflected partly in attention to our ongoing reporting system via PAM and attendance at Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences. Sometimes this is hard, but vital work. I take this opportunity to thank parents/carers and students who attended these conferences and trust that it provided time to set goals for the upcoming academic term.

Edmund Rice Day

One of the main celebrations of our traditions each year occurred today, that is the Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice. This is a celebration of the life of the founder of our schools, the Irishman Edmund Rice, who became a holy man through the great work of providing schooling to uneducated boys and young men, particularly the poor and disadvantaged. Through the order he founded, the Christian Brothers, schools were started all over the world, including many in Australia. Over forty of these schools now continue under the banner of Edmund Rice Education Australia, the body that now carries on the founder’s work, and of which we are all a part. It was also an opportunity to acknowledge and thank a number of staff for their dedicated service to our college community over many years. Staff were presented with the Facere et docere (to do and to teach) Service Awards as part of today’s service. We acknowledged the following staff for their outstanding contribution to our College community:

Isaac LucasHPE Teacher20 Years Service
Georgina GravesUtility Officer20 Years Service
Tracy MoschogianisPA to the Deputy Principal10 Years Service
Rohan MitchellDirector of Learning & Innovation10 Years Service
Michelle HammondTrades T/A10 Years Service

A particular thank you to Fr Suresh for leading today’s Feast Day Mass and Mrs Kim Mooney for her coordination of the various activities on offer today.


Subject Selection and Careers Expo

During Term 1, Year 10 students commenced the course counselling process. These interviews have been a great opportunity for students to take an active role in their future pathway planning. St Virgil’s College will be hosting our Subject Selection and Careers Expo on Tuesday 7 May evening from 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm for all Years 10-12 students. Students and parents will be provided with the opportunity to engage with employers from a range of industries as well as other tertiary and educational institutions. Our Heads of Departments and senior teaching staff will also be on hand to unpack any questions relating to specific course requirements and pathway options. I look forward to seeing parents/carers and students on the night and remind Year 10 students and families to gather in the Joyce Performance Centre at 6.00 pm for a short presentation to commence the evening.

EREA Charter Renewal and Mission Strategy Open Forum Invitation

St Virgil’s College, Austins Ferry - The Callan Centre

Wednesday 12 June 6.30 pm


You’re invited to join the Edmund Rice Education Australia national community to imagine how our school, and all Edmund Rice Education Australia schools, can be the best they can be for our young people and our world. We need your help to shape the future for 41,000 plus young people. Both the in-person and online sessions will provide you with the opportunity to discuss with others what you value about your school and what you hope it might strive to become. What comes out of these discussions will assist the EREA national community in renewing its understanding and articulation of what it means to be a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition.


Further information will be communicated about this event in the coming weeks.

Staffing Update

Mrs Olivia Auksorius has informed me of her intention to resign from her teaching position to take up a role at MacKillop Catholic College. I know this has not been an easy decision for Mrs Auksorius but the need to be closer to home to care for her young family has been a key driver in her decision-making. Mrs Auksorius’ last day will be Friday 7 June when we will have an opportunity to thank her for her significant contribution to the College.


This is a reminder that Mr Daniel Lapolla will be on Renewal Leave from Monday 13 May (Week 3 Term 2) returning to his substantive Deputy Principal role on Monday 12 August (Week 4 Term 3). During this time Mrs Kim Mooney will be Acting Deputy Principal and Mr Thymon Venter will be taking on additional duties as Acting Principal – Student Wellbeing. Mrs Jo Messer will also be taking long service leave from Wednesday 8 May and returning to her role on Monday 27 May. During this time Mrs Sue Burrows will be taking on the role of Acting Head of the Junior School.


We wish Mr Lapolla and Mrs Messer all the best during this period of leave and thank Mrs Mooney, Mr Venter, and Mrs Burrows for taking on additional roles and responsibilities during this time.


Best wishes for the week ahead.


Jon Franzin