Assistant Principal - Curriculum

Brendan Garvey

Safe Tree Program


Pleasingly, we have been once again been successful in obtaining funding for our grounds through our involvement with the Safe Tree Program. The Safe Tree Program enables schools to access funding to conduct high priority tree works to ensure school grounds are safe and properly maintained. The works will be undertaken in during the Term 2 holidays and will include a number of tree removals, weight reductions, cable bracing and further inspections. Please rest assured that trees are only removed once deemed necessary by our arborists. As part of the Safe Tree Program, the school will also receive funding to plant 2 native trees for every tree that is removed. In previous years we have used the replanting funded to purchase the hakea, eucalyptus and banksia trees that are currently in planted in our front garden.


In other garden related news, thank you to our Garden club and other student volunteers who spent a lunchtime last week planting a number of grasses and native flowering plants at the front of the school. They look fantastic! Thank you to Dale Blythman and Mark Gill for tending to the plants through the summer months. 


Reminder - Parent Teacher Interviews


A friendly reminder that our next round of Parent Teacher Interviews will be held during Week 5 of Term 3. This change has been made to ensure that our mandated avenues to share student achievement with families are happening at regular interviews throughout the school year. Although these are our formal times for Parent Teacher Interviews, please contact your child's classroom teacher at any point during the year if you have any questions or concerns about their progress.