Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Community Members


At the start of the term the school leadership team attended a professional development program led by Dr Lyn Sharrett, a world renowned educator and researcher. The team was able to hear the latest evidenced based research into what works best in classrooms and how students can be successful at school. The research really corroborated the good work already being done at St Philomena’s and will enable us to drill into some more specific areas of need. The work helps us to reach our school improvement goal which is to create those conditions that enable all students to learn in a caring respectful environment.


I would like to thank the community for the involvement in Anzac day. We had a good roll out of students especially from the primary area and our children were active participants on the day. I would also like to acknowledge those children who attended other services throughout the council region.


We have had a successful two weeks with regards to staffing. We welcome Celine Depczynski into the secondary school who has taken many of Shelley Humphries classes whilst on Long Service Leave. The good news is that Celine will continue with us when Shelley Humphries returns in Term 3. Abbey Downes has also joined the teaching staff in the primary school for 3 days a week. We have also been able to secure the services of Georgette Lysaght and Rhys Smith who will join us as Aboriginal Education Assistants. Kaitlyn McInerney and Kiyalee Duncan will also be joining us as Education Assistants in the primary area.


The building project is now in full swing. We were able to conduct a tour of what has been accomplished to this point in time. Most of the internal structures of the building have been demolished. Current work is around establishing the footings and piers for the new administration building at the front of the school. The date for completion remains for January 2025. We will be sending out videos of what the finished building will look like over the next few weeks on our social media platform.


There are some important events coming up for parents to consider. Next Wednesday we will be holding information sessions for families of children looking to secure positions in Kindy for 2025. We will also be holding an information evening for Year 7 2025 students on Tuesday 28th May. Also Date with Data is on for primary students for the next two Wednesdays. This is a particularly valuable information and goal setting time for parents and students. Next week many of our primary students will be involved in cross country events at Gravesend and Barraba. A Stage 5 careers information night will also be held on the 15th May. Parents will receive an invitation and RSVP request this week.


Year 4 had a fabulous excursion to Dubbo and the school received congratulatory notes from those venues they attended. The children were commended for their manners and willingness to learn. Thank you to the staff who attended and especially to those parents who were able to go to support our children. 


Kind Regards 

Simon Fleming



The new admin office is located opposite the school hall. Access to the office between 9am & 3:10pm is via the Gwydir St Hall gate.
The new admin office is located opposite the school hall. Access to the office between 9am & 3:10pm is via the Gwydir St Hall gate.