Religious Education   

Marylene Douglas

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.

This Sunday sees two of our Year 4 classes receive the special sacrament of First Eucharist. 4DJ received this sacrament 2 weeks ago and hence were able to participte fully in our St Louis' Day Mass by receiving Communion. The students in 4EM and 4MP will be lucky enough to receive communion again only 4 days later at out Mother's day Mass. I hope that receiving the gift of Jesus through Eucharist is not a solidary event, but that parents will bring their children to mass so they can partake fully in the gifts that Jesus has offered us.

When people go to Mass they are remembering Jesus’ Life, Death and Resurrection and making a communal commitment to go and share God’s love in the world. As Christians, we take part in the Eucharist to give thanks to God, and share this meal as a community. In community we gain strength from everyone who has gathered. When we gather for the Eucharist we are encouraged to go out and serve each other and the world in the spirit of Jesus teachings.

In actual fact, the word Eucharist means THANKSGIVING, we can show our gratitude to Jesus by living through His example:- To serve, and love and be loved. Through the Eucharist, God is  somehow present in this mystery of giving and receiving, eating and drinking, sharing, serving and loving others.


As part of their preparation, the Year 4 students explored the story of The Last Supper. This is where the first Eucharist occurred when Jesus and his disciples ate a Passover meal together  before his Passion and Death. 

In Luke’s Gospel, we hear Jesus’ words:  ‘Do this in memory of me’, 

so we have an opportunity, in the Eucharistic meal, to remember Jesus this way. 

The students created some amazing images of The Last Supper, some of which are displayed in our church.


May all our Year 4 students receiving the Sacrament of First Eucharist be blessed.

May the Lord touch your ears to receive His Word.

May the Lord your inspire mouth to proclaim his faith.

May the Lord fill your heart with peace and gladness.

May you come with joy to His supper to the praise and glory of His name.