Sports News

Hi all


This edition is dedicated to the volunteers


In the past fortnight we have held the Intra-school Athletics Carnival as well as the Intra-school Cross Country.  At the Athletics we had 330 students participate in a minimum of 7 events each.  In the cross country, every student, from Prep to Year 6, ran a variety of distances that required several marshals dotted along a 3 kilometres course.  We required many parents to help us from recording results to fetching a discus, from handing out ribbons to encouraging our students to just “keep on going” in the cross country.  


It's volunteers like you who help create a sense of community and teamwork within our school, and we are incredibly fortunate to have you as part of our team. Your generosity and support are deeply appreciated, and we couldn't have done it without you!


St Louis would like to thank Marissa, Lorissa, Jodie, Linda, Erin, Lydia, Lauren, Meagan, Gabriella, Vanessa VS, Vanessa J, Natasha, Linda M, Corinna, Kate, Laura, Belinda, Deidre, Anne, Nicole, Kate, Tim, Nicole, Emily, Nicole B, Nicole R, Tim, Melinda, Dominique, Kirsten, Ellen, Amanda, Renee and Anthony.  I apologise to the names I missed as I know we had a few late volunteers on the day.  


Thank you for your time and your care.  


Dean Andrew

Sports Coordinator