Senior School: Sports Round Up 

District Soccer Tournament

On Friday the 19th of April,  the years 5 and 6s participated in a District Soccer Tournament. The day was a hit filled with laughter, teamwork and excitement. St Joseph's sent along 4 teams, 2 of which were fortunate enough to make the finals. Unfortunately, they both lost by just one goal. We were all filled with anticipation as the day got closer, but we knew we would be ready because of the many training sessions we did at Wednesday lunchtime. We really loved the whole experience because it taught us perseverance, determination, resilience and teamwork. 


The tournament was a great opportunity for everyone to experience soccer and the buzz that it provides. We would like to thank Miss Dusting, Miss Coldebella, Mr Cody and Mr Gately for making this fabulous day possible. 


Written by Neave Conquest and Ava Anketell


District Cross Country 

On May the 1st, 180 Year Three to Six students spent the day running and cheering each other on at District Cross Country this year! As we all loaded onto the bus the air filled with mixed feelings of excitement and nervousness. As soon as we made it to the track everybody put their bags down in relief and rummaged for their lunch. It was only a short period until the first race began where we all cheered on our schoolmates. 


When it was time for our race, we gathered at the starting line and set off running through the lush course. The track was very wet, steep and slippery, but we all managed. Once everyone had run their race we headed over to a big green hill, where the awards were announced. And when we thought the day couldn't get any better, St Joey’s won! Everyone headed home on the bus even happier than we were before!


In conclusion, District Cross Country was a huge success and I think we are all still tired and sore to this day! We all did an incredible job running 2-3 kilometers. It was very exhausting and we all did our best to complete the course and be so supportive of each other. We would like to thank all of the teachers, LSOs and parents who came on the day to support us. 


Written by Lottie Skelton, Annabelle Prowse and Zoe Nicholson


Elaine Shanahan 

Senior School Leader