Sustainability News

Making Jam for the Mother's Day Stall 


Last week, as the environment leaders, we made strawberry and rhubarb jam with Mrs Doran. We had to use various ingredients such as frozen strawberries, rhubarb, sugar and lemon juice. All of the Environment Leaders from Prep to Year Five had a part to play in making the jam that was sold at the Mother's Day Stall this year.


As the Year Four Environment Leaders, we had the task of preparing all of the ingredients. 


'I loved making the jam because everyone got to put the ingredients in and we got to make the labels' Ben 

'I loved to cut, wash and dry the rhubarb with Ben, I also liked watering and plucking out weeds.' Jack

'I thoroughly enjoyed picking the rhubarb from our very own garden. There were some weeds near the rhubarb but they looked very different.' Jasmine

'I would definitely recommend making strawberry and rhubarb jam the way we made it by using frozen strawberries, rhubarb, lemon juice and sugar.' Rosa


After we finished preparing the ingredients, the Year Five students then turned those ingredients into strawberry and rhubarb jam. 

Year Three Gardening with Bunnings

On Monday 29th of April, Bunnings came along to St Joseph's to work with our Year 3 students in the vegetable garden. Led by Mrs Doran and Miss Dillon, the children got to work weeding, preparing, planting and composting. The children planted a range of winter vegetables and herbs.