Education in Faith 

Reconciliation Faith Night- Year 3

On Monday night, our families gathered in preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The evening began with a student-led prayer inspired by Zacchaeus, a scripture we have been focusing on in the classroom. Parents and carers then delved into a faith formation session around reconciliation with Fr Elio Capra. Meanwhile, children explored the parable of the Lost Sheep in their classrooms, learning valuable lessons of forgiveness and compassion. We look forward to celebrating this special sacrament with our Year 3 students later this term. 

Sunday's Gospel

John 15:9-17

Jesus commands his disciples to love one another.

In family life, we have many opportunities to show love in action. Each time we postpone a task to tend to the needs of another, we show ourselves to be on the path to following the example of love shown to us by Jesus. Sometimes the sacrifices we are called upon to make for others are small. But these small choices to love and to serve others prepare us for the larger choices and sacrifices that we may be called upon to make. If we are people who have practiced showing our love for others with generosity, we will also be people who are willing to lay down our lives for those we love.

As you gather as a family, talk about the meaning of the word generosity. Ask each family member to describe an action that shows generosity. To be generous is to give freely to others without counting the cost. Recall that generosity is one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Introduce today’s Gospel reading by saying that Jesus taught us to be generous in showing our love for one another. Read together today’s Gospel, John 15:9-17. What examples did Jesus give to us that show this kind of love? (washing his disciples’ feet; accepting death on the cross) Jesus helps us to show this kind of love to others. In today’s Gospel, Jesus promised that God will give us whatever we ask for. One of the things we can ask for from God is a generous spirit so that we can love others as Jesus did. Conclude in prayer together by praying Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s Prayer for Generosity.

Loyola Press, 2024