Celebrations and Acclamations

- Primary SS -Big thanks to the primary sub-school for their patience and understanding during the transition period with their interim leader. Your honesty and openness in communicating your wants and needs are truly appreciated. Let's continue this great teamwork!
- Middle SS - Thank you to the wonderful ES staff who are quick to offer support, and demonstrate flexibility when it is needed.
A big thank you, too, to those who have coordinated swimming follow up meetings to ensure we do what we can in preparing for a positive swimming experience for our students. - Secondary SS - Thankyou to all staff for an excellent first day of swimming. Fingers crossed the rest are as good as the first, if not better.
- Learning Specialists - Thank you to the therapy team for always being open to liaise with the learning specialist team 🙂The learning specialist would also like to thank Will for organising the swimming program. All the students are very excited to participate.
- OH&S - Thank you to Deb C and Synthia A for helping update the first aid kits for our school buses.
- Therapy - Thank you to the learning specialists for always being receptive in collaborating with the therapy team :)
- Admin - A HUGE thankyou to Irene Gacovski for her support in admin/reception over the last 2 weeks. It is very much appreciated by the team during Julie’s absence.
- PCT - Thank you Irene Gacovski for supporting reception while Julie has been away. You've been juggling a few different roles the last week and we acknowledge this. Also thank you to Liz Torcasio for supporting room 20 when they needed help. It was great team work.
"What ever you want to do, if you want to be good at it, you have to love it and be able to make sacrifices for it".