
This Term we are learning that different books are read for different purposes. We are exploring the differences between non-fiction and fiction texts and their purposes.
We are revisiting reading routines and practising the things that brave readers do. We will continue to support students with selecting 5 take home books including 3 decodable texts. Your child will choose different books on a Monday and we ask that your child spends some time each night reading a book or two with you. Our decodable texts are the books where your child can focus on building their reading skills. They reflect the sounds we are learning during our Phonics Instruction and help your child practice blending the sounds. Whereas you can read the other readers to your child, focusing on sight words, comprehension and reading for enjoyment. We will be focusing on being an ‘Independent Reader’ in the classroom. An Independent reader is somebody who has a go at reading words by using different reading strategies. This term we will be unpacking and teaching some reading strategies, such as 'saying the sounds and reading the word' and recognising our high frequency words such as "I, the, and, was". Your child will engage in daily rhymes, oral blending practise, chants and phonics games that are engaging and will help to develop their literacy knowledge. They will also continue to read with a partner which allows our students to build their reading fluency and confidence. We look forward to listening to your child read, and providing guidance on strategies that will help them develop as a reader.
We have revisited Writing routines such as rehearsing our message before writing. Our students have been encouraged to write about things that they know and care about. Our students have been thinking about their message, then drawing a detailed picture and having a go at writing. The Prep students, use alphabet strips when writing, by stretching out words and writing the sounds they hear. This term will also be focusing on the Word Wall to help them with sight and non-decodable words. We have already made some pattern books "I see..." and "I like..." and this term we will begin writing non-fiction books about the topics we love. We also believe handwriting practise develops our students fine motor skills and helps our students to become brave writers! Our students proudly display their work in the corridor. We are impressed with the level of enthusiasm our students have been displaying towards their writing and we look forward to our Preps showcasing their amazing writing pieces with you!