Admin Corner

By Daniel Itsines

Hi all,


Welcome back to another edition of the Admin Corner! I hope the school term has gotten off to a wonderful start for all. Given the time of year, it is appropriate to provide a reminder on two important enrolment processes currently underway in our school:


2025 Prep Enrolments

We are currently in the process of receiving enrolments for our 2025 Prep Cohort. With our Prep Transition Program scheduled to commence in early September, this is a timely reminder to ensure that you have submitted your child’s 2025 Prep application, if you have a child who is age-appropriate to commence school next year. This will ensure our school can plan as effectively as possible for our upcoming transition program and the needs of the 2025 Prep cohort. We respectfully ask that all 2025 Prep applications please be submitted by the end of this term – Friday the 28th of June.  Enrolment forms can be provided at the school office or downloaded from the school website.


Additionally, applications this year can now also be made online from


More information can be found with a quick reference guide also found at


This process is particularly important for any new families looking to apply to our school for foundation enrolments, so please pass this information on to anyone you know might be looking.


2025 Year 6-7 Transition

Currently underway is the statewide 2025 Y6-7 Transition Process. Thank you to all families who have promptly returned their child’s application forms – the due date for these is Friday the 10th of May, we look forward to receiving the remainder of these before then. 


Our school will then complete the process of placing children as high up their preference list as possible. On the 17th of July, Year 6 families will receive notification through our school, but from the secondary schools informing you of where your child has been accepted. Along with this notification, Acceptance Slips will be distributed, containing instructions on actions that can be taken from there.


If you have any questions regarding any of the above processes, please feel free to contact the office, as we are always happy to help.



Warm regards,


Daniel Itsines

Office Manager