Kids Corner

The “Kids’ Corner” section of our school newsletter provides the opportunity for the children to showcase their talents or communicate something special. 


This fortnight, Sahana and Yash (both in Year 5) would like to share a narrative piece, I trust you enjoy them as much as I have: 



The Deep South Ocean 
by Sahana
Blue hard waves, dark grey sky, the clouds move slowly. I stood there not knowing where I was. One by one I saw everyone moving further away until there was no one there but me. My body started shivering and shaking, my heart stopped, and I didn’t know anything anymore. My mind was blank. Suddenly the thunderstorm had started and to my surprise I wasn’t on the ground. I was somewhere far away from there. It was a scary place. I felt water coming on my skin. I knew then I wasn’t safe wherever I was, and I needed to call for help. I yelled and cried as loud as I could.
As I was about to give up I heard a scream “we’re coming to help you!” I started to feel better knowing that someone else was here and I wasn’t alone, but I was wondering where this mysterious person’s voice was coming from? Could it be in my head? Until I looked up and saw a helicopter flying over me as I was about to put my hand up to call and say where I was, I sank to the bottom of the ocean and my whole body was not moving. I felt as if I was dead, so I just slept and forgot all about the past. There was no point anymore. I was dead, there was no going back anymore.
Suddenly, I was transported to a world that I didn't know of, and I was back to a memory of when I was young I was playing in the sand with my dad. I was in my happy place. I think that I may have even smiled as I looked back on my good times.
My eyes opened as I saw a doctor!? I thought to myself wasn't I drowning in the sea? I then saw my dad. I went up to him and hugged. I asked him “Dad what happened to me?” 
Dad replied “Darling you were swimming, and we couldn't see you. Luckily the lifeguards saw you and they went in the ocean and got you. We were so scared something terrible happened to you. I was at a loss for words like I never ever wanted to leave my dad ever again all because of the scary situation.”



The audition
by Yash 
“Another day, another song,” said Jack, playing the harp as his kelpie, Roger barked to the tune. 
The sound of the harp ricocheted throughout the room and the calm tune kept Jack playing. The songs of the birds and calls of the insects mixed in with the harp perfectly.
“JACK!! BREAKFAST!” shouted a voice, breaking the silence.
Jack motioned to Roger to follow him as he made his way down the stairs with his eyes closed, humming a melodious tune. As he settled onto the seat, its pillow as soft as a cloud, he was reminded of the ancient legend of the elemental harps. According to the tale, a harp was hidden within each element, its music as radiant as the sun. The music of each harp made the soul of the most negative person as pure as the purest white. The cornflakes melted in his mouth, his tyrannous sister came, slapped the cornflakes out of his hand and made the bowl come crashing down onto the ground. 
Jack suddenly had a realisation; he had booked an audition for the Colt Crashington band! He stuffed his bread into his mouth, packed his sheet music and started walking down the street to the town hall, his hands stuffed into his pockets as it was so cold. I can’t wait to audition he said to himself!