Deputy Principal's Report

Dear Parents,


Welcome to Term 2! I hope that your school holidays were restful and that you had a chance to spend some quality time together as a family. I trust that the Easter period brought joy and memorable moments for you and your loved ones.


As we embark on this new term, I want to extend a warm welcome to both returning families and those who are new to our school community. We are excited to continue our journey of learning and growth together.



Random Acts of Kindness


I would like to extend heartfelt congratulations to the following students for their exemplary display of kindness towards others. It's truly inspiring to witness students across different year levels supporting one another and making an effort to spread kindness. Your actions make our school community a better place for everyone.


Week 1


Ned C. (3FH) for his kindness and consideration for another student who had forgotten his swimming gear.  Ned reassured the student and made sure he was aware that we would get it sorted and he would be going swimming!

School Photo Back Up Date


Our school photo provider MSP Photography will be in on Tuesday 23rd April. If your child/children were absent on our school photo day, Wednesday 20th March.

For all billing and general inquiries, please feel free to contact me directly at 9583 5033.


Here's to a fantastic Term 2 filled with growth, learning, and joy!


Warm regards,


Joelle Diakrousis

Deputy Principal

Learning Diversity Leader