French Programs

Sophie Oldfield

What’s happening in our French classrooms?

In Year 7, students have started to memorise their lines in preparation for their group performance of the play Les trois petits cochons, which will take place in a couple of weeks. We look forward to watching their entertaining performances!

Our Year 8 students have been learning about sports and leisure activities. They can now confidently talk about their favourite sport and which sport they play. They were also able to practise their verb conjugations while playing battleship in French!

The Year 9 FRL students have been working hard at learning how to say which chores they do and how often. They have listened to the “blues des tâches ménagères”. Their goal is to be able to talk about their chores and to write a roleplay where they negotiate chore distributions with a sibling. They will also discuss what age is appropriate to start chores. At the beginning of the unit, students were surveyed about which chores they like and don’t like to do. The results are below. First are the tasks they hate doing and then the tasks they seem to prefer. Parents beware! 



Year 7 French Partial Immersion students have just started the Biology topic this term. We are now learning about classification of living organisms and the levels of classification. Students are expanding their vocabulary and skills and are able to classify animals according to their characteristics! 


FUN FACT! Echidna and platypus are mammals even though they lay eggs, because they also produce milk to feed their babies.


Open Night


The French learning area put on a colourful and vibrant display on the occasion of our Opening Night last week! Visitors were greeted by students dressed as historical figures, such as Marie-Antoinette and Louis XVI, and were invited to “déguster” a selection of cheeses and baguette as they entered our French display. Thank you to all students who answered questions and talked about their experiences as AHS French students! 

France Cultural Tour


Here are two testimonies from Sienna and Annelise, both in Year 10, about their incredible experience in France:


Le Tour de France 2024 a été une expérience incroyable. Nous avons commencé notre voyage à Paris et avons visité la Tour Eiffel, le Louvre, l'Arc de Triomphe et d'autres sites. Nous avons appris à utiliser le métro et à naviguer dans la ville de Paris. Nous sommes ensuite allés dans le nord et avons visité la ville d'Amiens, où nous avons appris à connaître la vie locale. Nous avons visité le mémorial australien de la guerre et les plages du jour J. Nous avons passé notre dernière semaine dans le sud à découvrir l'histoire des villages et les explorer. Ce voyage a été une expérience extraordinaire et m'a donné des souvenirs inoubliables ! Sienna, Year 10.


The 2024 France Tour was an amazing experience, our group went all around the north and south of France seeing famous sites and experiencing new things. We worked our way through the Metro system in Paris, visiting famous historical landmarks and places with artistic significance along the way. We tried new foods such as Frogs legs, snails and truffle risotto at a range of different restaurants, we also tried camembert from Camembert! During out visit, we were able to have free time to explore around wherever we went, sometimes in markets buying lunch for ourselves, utilizing out French speaking skills, or in museums wandering around to look at the gorgeous artworks. Throughout our time there, we had many tour guides taking us around their part of France, sharing their history with us. We visited war memorial sites and learnt more about Australia’s connection to France regarding World War 1 and World War 2. As well as, of course getting to know people in our tour group and making a ton of new friends along the way. Going to France was a wonderful adventure, full of memories that will last a lifetime. Annelise, Year 10.