From the Assistant Principal 10-12

Ella Price

What an exciting start to Term 2 as our Year 11 and 12 students moved into our new building on Auburn Road. They settled into their new surroundings, moving into their lockers, and finding their new classrooms. Tutor Group teachers facilitated community building sessions where students unpack the opportunities and challenges that come with this change. It was lovely to see students all exploring our new space and working to support each other with questions. These have been collated and we will continue to work with students as a adapt and make the space our new home. Last week we held an afternoon tea to explore and model the use of the new student kitchenette. Students made a hot drink and grabbed a biscuit before socialising on the balcony. I want to thank students who have been leaders in this early part of Term 2, helping to create community spaces, advocating for others, and helping to model how we respect our space. Some students even worked during the holidays to provide suggestions, make posters, and came to school to set up the new building. These are incredible contributions to our Auburn community.


This week all Senior School students have had protected time to work on their My Learning Growth documents. Students have accessed their individual templates to reflect on their Term 1 attendance, learning behaviour and CAT/SAC data before setting engagement, academic and wellbeing goals for this term. We know that goal setting promotes motivation and accountability, and students were supported in designing SMART goals that will support their success this term. 

Our Year 10 families were invited to an IB Information Evening last week to begin to understand how this program differs from our VCE program. We heard from Sasha, current student in our first IB cohort who shared her passion for learning and the IB program. Thank you to Peter Ryan (Leading Teaching Curriculum 10-12) for facilitating this session. We have had lots of questions already from students who are interested and encourage them to attend the student lunchtime session next Tuesday. It is great to see the Year 10s utilising their Auburn Learning Quality (ALQ) of communication as they begin to inform themselves in preparation for course counselling next term.


Congratulations to 10A who won our attendance competition. This Tutor Group had the highest approved attendance for Term 1. Attendance is approved when there is documentation for any student absence (i.e., medical certificate) and so we applaud 10A for being so diligent throughout the term. Their combined average attendance was 94.3%, the highest of any Year 10, 11 or 12 Tutor Group. They celebrated this week with a pizza lunch and I look forward to seeing if they can take out the Term 2 competition which is well underway!









Next week our Year 11 & 12 students will all attend the Careers Expo at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (Thursday 2nd of May). This compulsory career excursion is an amazing opportunity for students can speak directly with student advisors and ambassadors from universities (Victoria and interstate), TAFEs and RTOs, explore careers in the ADF, Police and Ambulance services, chat with key industry representatives, learn more about apprenticeships, traineeships, and cadetships, explore employment and gap year options and gain study advice through subject specific seminars. We have confirmed a university visit to The University of Melbourne where Year 11 and 12 students will tour the campus and learning about study options and pathways. We remind all families to pay and provide consent on Compass as soon as possible for this incredible opportunity. 


Students in the Senior School have been taking on countless opportunities this term. I would like to personally thank students who volunteered at our AHS Information Night for Prospective Students. Your perspective as Senior School students supported our future families to learn about teaching and learning across our Learning Areas, and extensive extra-curricular community programs. 


Our Year 11 & 12 students have their final sport days in the next couple of weeks and we started strong with our Hockey Team winning all their matches. They are excitedly planning the Year 12 Formal and finalising designs for their Year 12 jumpers. I look forward to hearing about more positive contributions in our extra-curricular space before we move into a busy assessment and examination period. 


Overall, a fantastic start to Term 2 for the Senior School. Well done to you all and keep it up!