Engagement & Wellbeing

Social Surveys Happening this Week
This week we are asking our students in years 1-6 to participate in a class social survey. The purpose of this survey is to provide a safe (anonymous) space for students who may not necessarily speak up about someone who is making life difficult for them, to do so.
Once complete, teachers collate the results and work with identified students to improve their behaviour and work to reduce the negative impact that it can have on other students. Ultimately we want positive social interactions between all students.
If your child has been having difficulties with another child at our school, please encourage them to use their voice and speak out by letting us know during the survey.
Anzac Day Appeal:
The Buninyong RSL have advised that the school community of Buninyong Primary raised $358 with the sale of Anzac Tokens.
A tremendous success and the Buninyong RSL extends its grateful thanks for the school's continued support to the welfare of veterans.