Scotsburn News

Important Dates
Mothers’ Day Breakfast and Mothers’ Day Stall | Thursday 9th May |
Grade 5s and 6s VSSEC Excursion | Thursday 9th May |
Grade 3s and 4s VSSEC Excursion | Friday 10th May |
Scotsburn Assemblies | Friday 7th June Friday 21st June |
Whole School Assemblies | Friday 3rd May (Japan Day) Friday 24th May Friday 28th June |
SC1 Robot Incursion | Monday 20th May |
Curriculum Day (pupil free) | Thursday 30th May |
Scotsburn Parents’ Dinner | Tuesday 4th June |
King’s Birthday (pupil free) | Monday 10th June |
Last Day of Term (2:30pm dismissal) | Friday 28th June |
Scotsburn Promotional Video and Virtual Tour
As part of our continued efforts at Scotsburn to promote our wonderful campus, we have created an all new Scotsburn Virtual Tour video. This has been an important task to complete, as we have not had an up to date promotional video for quite a few years. This video will be used to show on our website, Facebook page, at local kinders as well as throughout the wider community. The video is now ready to go and we wanted you guys to be the first to see it. Click on the link below to have a look!
Japan Day
Wow! How incredible was Japan Day! All of the Scotsburn students had an absolute ball throughout the day, joining in all the activities with their Buninyong Campus friends. It was so great to see everyone participate with such enthusiasm and enjoyment. A big congratulations to Mrs Morgan along with Mrs Cray, for organising and coordinating such an awesome event!
Have a look at the link below for some Scotsburn photos from the day:
Mothers’ Day Breakfast and Mothers’ Day Stall - Thursday 9th May
This year we are planning to celebrate all of our wonderful mothers’ in the community with a Mothers’ Day Breakfast. This special occasion will take place on Thursday 9th May, between 8:15am and 9:30am in the old building. No need to bring anything, we will have all food and drink sorted, celebrating all of the wonderful contributions our Mothers’ and special friends play in our lives.
On this day, we will also be holding our Mothers’ Day stall, where students are able to purchase a gift or two for their Mother or special friend. All gifts will be $5, with students being able to buy one or two gifts.
Our Grade 5s and 6s will also be on their VSSEC excursion on this day. This conflict of dates was unfortunately unavoidable, however we will make sure our 5s and 6s can access the Mothers’ Day stall on Friday 10th May. We have this week decided that we will also offer a special 5/6 Mothers’ Day breakfast on Friday morning to make up for being away.
Over the two mornings we would love to see every mother or special friend here. See you all there!
A reminder about our SC2 VSSEC excursions later this week. Our Scotsburn Grade 3 - 6 students will be joining Buninyong students for the excursion, with the following arrangements:
Grade 5s and Grade 6s: Thursday 9th May (Raquel attending)
Grade 3s and Grade 4s: Friday 10th May (Em attending)
Additional Information: On the day of the excursion the bus will depart school at 7.45am and arrive back at school at approximately 4.30pm. Students will need to be dropped at school at 7:30am before the 7.45am departure. Students will need to be collected at 4.30pm. If the bus is delayed a Compass message will be sent. Students need to bring their lunch, a drink and should be dressed in full school uniform.
Our students have been split across 2 days due to student number limits on both the bus and at the venue. Mr Morgan unfortunately will be unable to attend, however our students will be in great care from our Buninyong 5/6 teachers. We will also have Raquel going on Thursday, and Em going on Friday to support our Scotsburn students.
Works in the Yard
While we were at Buninyong for Japanese Day last Friday, we had some important work happening up at Scotsburn. Simon and Ian (Mrs Morgan’s father), were busy completing the following jobs:
- Shifting dirt and cleaning up the front corner of the campus - this is now ready for a feature tree to be planted.
- Relocating rocks to border the garden bed at the side of the Art room - we are planning to turn this area into a beautiful Japanese garden.
- Filling holes in the oval.
- Preparing garden bed adjacent to Landcare shed, including grinding out old gate that was part of unused frog pond. This will soon become a feature garden in the campus.
We are very fortunate to have such great help at the campus to keep our grounds beautiful and maintained, and we thank Ian for volunteering his time. How lucky are we!
SAVE THE DATE - Parent Social Event
Lock in the date - Tuesday 4th June! After such a successful event last year, we are again going to organise a Scotsburn parent social evening. This was one of the highlights of the year on the parent calendar in 2023, so let's get as many there as we can this year to make it another wonderful event!
SC1 Learning Snapshot
Week 3 certainly flew by quickly having Japanese Day on Friday, and what a day it was! SC1 certainly embraced the Japanese culture and made the most of all the fun activities across the day at the Buninyong Campus. A huge thank you to Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Cray for organising such a spectacular day. Make sure you check out all the photos in the link above.
You may have noticed that each morning we participate in phonological awareness lessons alongside our spelling program. Phonological awareness allows children to recognise and work with the sounds of language. Across the session each day, we explore compound words, blending, segmenting, as well as deleting, isolating, and swapping sounds. We explore rhyme, syllables, and lots more. We are running a parent information session again this term to discuss and familiarise parents with early literacy and what you can do at home to support your child. Please see the flyer below and the whole school newsletter for more information.
In Writing, we have been exploring narratives. Students are strengthening their understanding of the purpose and structure of these text types. We have looked at characters, settings, problems, solutions, and character feelings to construct an understanding of narratives.
In Maths, subtraction has been our main learning focus with students using multiple problem-solving strategies. This has included modelling a subtraction sum using materials, counting backward, number lines, and known facts. Quiz your child at home with some subtraction sums, I am sure they will be able to explain the strategy they use.
Have a great week and we hope to see you at the Mother’s Day breakfast on Thursday.
Ana and Kirsty
SC2 Learning Snapshot
Some wonderful learning is continuing to happen within SC2, with us spending some time over the past week developing individual learning goals in specific areas of the curriculum. In Reading, students used previous reading assessments as well as feedback from their teachers to develop individual goals that they will work on during individual reading time. They all hopefully have a good understanding of this process now, so feel free to chat with them at home about their goals.
In Writing last week, students planned and completed an Information Report of their choice, as a pre assessment piece to determine areas that they will work on in their writing this week. Everyone did such a great job with this, and they just wanted to keep writing! We will develop some writing goals this week.
Finally, in Maths, students completed their work on Volume and Capacity with an end of unit assessment. It was amazing to see so much green highlighting happening on their Proficiency Scales, which represents new learning. Awesome job everyone!
Don’t forget about our VSSEC excursions later in the week, and we hope to see lots of mums pop in for our Mothers’ Day breakfast.
Have an awesome week,
Jarrod and Liz
Scotsburn Intercampus Travel At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day. We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher. |
Staff Contacts
Mr Morgan:
Mrs Anderson:
Mrs Robinson:
Mrs Morgan:
Ms Middlin:
The Scotsburn Team