Prep Wonga Weekly

Week 2, Term 2


🗓️ Upcoming Dates: 

Monday  22nd April: Whole School Cross Country 

Wednesday 21st April: ANZAC Day assembly - 9am

Thursday 25th April: ANZAC Day Public Holiday

Friday 26th April: Curriculum Day


After School Yard Duty

If you are wanting to talk to your child's teacher after school please be aware that we may have after school yard duty. On these days, we need to be out of the classroom quickly to get up to the gate to supervise children as they leave the school grounds. We have listed our yard duty below, when we will be at the top gate (you are welcome to chat with us there)! 

Monday & Wednesday: Elle 

Tuesday: Nat 

Thursday & Friday: Julie 

If your child is waiting to be picked up on a day your child's teacher has yard duty, they will be waiting with another Prep teacher. 


Cross Country 

Although students will receive lunch and snacks for Cross Country we encourage you to pack your child's regular lunch box as they usually are hungry due to the extra physical activity. They will be eating their lunch and snack earlier than usual, so packing them usual lunch box will help sustain them throughout the day. 


Short Week 

Due to Cross Country, ANZAC day assembly, the ANZAC day public holiday and the whole school Curriculum Day, this week's learning will look less than usual. Therefore the Wonga Weekly will look shorter and have less detail than it usually does. 


📰 News Groups

Information about News Groups was emailed in week 1, but we have included the roster here for your reference. News Groups will start in Week 3.



📚 Literacy: reading, writing, phonics

Students will listen to the mentor text, ANZAC Ted. This will form the basis for reading and writing experiences. They will answer questions about the text, formulate their own wonderings and write about ANZAC Ted. They will be introduced to the letter 'g' and its sound.


What can you do at home?

-Help your child to read their 'take home' book each night.

-Revise the sounds on the sound / letter ring. Ask your child to show you the cued articulation for hard 'g'.

-Read to your child at bedtime. Ask them about character, setting, problem and solution in the story.

-Discuss how you recognise ANZAC Day with your family.


🔢  Maths 

We will continue on from last week's learning with addition. Addition in prep focuses on one group joining together with another group to make a larger number. We focus on vocabulary like 'more', 'greater', 'and', 'makes', 'is' and 'together'. Symbols are not introduced at this stage of the year.

Students will engage in these concepts through explicit teaching and play based experiences. 


What can you do at home? 

-Continue to count collections with 1-1 counting.

-Count from different starting points, other than zero. 

-Join two groups together and count the total.


🌏 CBL - Country

We will be exploring Country by going on a walk around a school, collecting native treasures and creating a collage that reflects our landscape.