Prep Highlight

This week our Preps have been exploring the maths tooltime game, race to 20.

This exposes students to forming numbers to 20 with the support of 10’s frames, and involves a range of mathematical approaches. The preps have enjoyed playing this game in pairs and working together to see who is the first to get to 20. The students have been engaging within our dialogical focus of “I can explain my thinking” by discussing such things as: how many more they need to win, what kinds of numbers are better to roll etc.

How to play:

Students get into pairs and each student is given two tens frames, a dice per pair and counters. 

Students take turns rolling the dice and using counters to cover the amount they rolled on their tens frame. 

Each student takes turns until they have filled up their tens frame with 20 counters.

If they roll a 3 and only have 2 places left, they must miss their turn until they roll a 2, equalling only up to 20. 


If you would like to play, please follow the link for 10’s frames.

You will also need counters and a dice.


Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5 - WINNER!
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5 - WINNER!