Community Update



At St. Joseph's, we are committed to becoming an eSmart School and supporting our students as they venture into the online world. We strive to teach them how to engage appropriately online and behave in a safe manner. It is essential that adults are aware of the signs of online issues happening with children that they may not feel comfortable discussing or bringing to your attention.


The Alannah and Madeline Foundation began the eSmart initiative to support parents, teachers and young people in behaving safely online and offering avenues for seeking support when needed.


See below a sample from their parent handbook.



Colour Explosion Update


Last term we celebrated our third annual Colour Explosion! It was a great success as we reached our fundraising goal of $10,000. A huge THANK YOU goes out to all who were able to fundraise and we hope everyone enjoyed the day.


A special congratulations goes to Layla Oparanozie (3D) who was our top fundraiser. Well done Layla!