Principal's Report

A Message from Julie..

St. Joseph's ANZAC Day Memorial Service
St. Joseph's ANZAC Day Memorial Service

Dear Families,


I would like to welcome you all to Term Two, which has started in a floury of action. Nick’s Year Five class moved into Green Village at the commencement of the term leaving his portable available to house our Japanese specialist subject which moved from within the village to allow for a designated teacher planning space. We are also looking at redeveloping the Galleria ready for three classes in 2025. The space will be reconfigured to allow us to free up two of the portables at the end of this year and two at the end of 2025, which will be out of lease and returned to the company.  I would like to thank the small team of mums who volunteered to empty the kitchen in Green Village ready for Nick to move in. This was a mammoth task that was completed over days. We are also in the process of reducing the second hand stock we have stored in the first aid room. A special thanks to Vanessa Coles who sorted the stock ready for our flash sale yesterday and today. All items are $5, so there are many bargains to be had. Finally a huge THANK YOU  to the families who supported and volunteered at our Bunnings Sausage Sizzle last weekend, it was a great success. Over this term we will be asking for parent support in many areas, we have a helping hands tree in the foyer at the main office. If you are free to help please check the board alternatively please reach out to your classroom teacher. 



Over the past term we have been inundated with school tours and enquiries regarding prep enrolments for 2025. Currently we are experiencing a large volume of enrolments so I would encourage anyone who may be thinking of sending their child or they know of a friend or family member who is wanting to attend St Joseph’s to please book a tour and collect an enrolment form. Please note first round offers close on Friday 14th June 2024. 


Finally I would like to congratulate Stephanie and James Tofts on the announcement of their pregnancy. Stephanie will be commencing maternity leave later this year with her replacement yet to be finalised. As a community we wish James and Steph all the best as they begin their journey as parents. 


Julie McDougall
