Year 3/4
Level Newsletter
Year 3/4
Level Newsletter
Another two weeks have flown by! Our students have been working hard, especially planning and researching information about an animal for their information report. They selected an animal that they were interested in and planned which information they wanted to include in their report. We call this student voice - where students have the opportunity to have input into what they are learning.
Last week we held our House Cross Country. It was wonderful to see everyone trying their best and supporting each other. We look forward to hearing who has been selected to participate in the District Cross County on Friday 17th May.
The whole school Write-2-Read spelling program was introduced during Term 1 and we have been learning all 70 codes and their sounds. This week, we congratulated our students on learning all of these codes. To celebrate, they were given a list of jumbled up sounds and they had to work out which codes were being used to solve a mystery word. They were all successful and received a lollipop as a prize…the word they had to solve was ‘lollipop’! What an amazing effort! We now begin the task of learning the rules we can apply when spelling words using these codes. We are very proud of our students as we can see them beginning to use this knowledge in their writing and reading.
Mrs Foenander is enjoying a holiday at the moment and will be back next week (Tuesday). Ms Dalrymple has enjoyed working with 3/4F during this time and we thank her for all of her hard work.
Next week is Education Week and the theme is ‘Spotlight on STEM’. You are welcome to join us in the classrooms on Wednesday morning, working with your child on some of the lessons we have that day. Wednesday evening is also our Open Night, where there will be various activities related to the areas of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).
We wish all of the mums a very special Mother’s Day this Sunday.
From the Level 3/4 Team
Caz Sheaf, Caroline Foenander, Larissa Holdsworth and Nicole Rheumer
CERES Excursion Permission and Payment
Please check if permission and payment has been made on Compass for our excursion to CERES. This will be a great day, supporting our Integrated Studies unit ‘Our Sustainable Future’.
Education Week
It would be lovely for your family to join us for the activities that are planned as part of Education Week. We have an Open Morning where you can join us in the classroom and work with your child, as well as our Open Night activities. Look out for more information on Compass.
Reading Logs
We have a large number of students who are not bringing their Reading Logs back to school each Friday. It is important that students are reading on a daily basis. Please support your child with a few reminders.
Homework is due alternate Fridays. This term, we ask that you encourage and support your child to complete their homework and to return it by the due date for checking. The tasks have been planned based around the skills that we have taught at school, and it is important that students consolidate their learning in order to retain their new knowledge.
Can you solve this?
This term we have started a new whole-school program called Friendology. Students have been learning about being a Friendship Ninja, where they use their friendship skills to stand up for themselves. We have also been learning how to calm the feeling of butterflies we sometimes get. They have been practising some strategies to help them make friends and will begin learning about ‘Friendship Fires’. These are friendship issues such as hurt feelings, misunderstandings and disagreements. They will learn the difference between these Friendship Fires and being Mean-on-Purpose.
At the beginning of the term, we talked about the things that are important to us. We each drew a picture of a shoe and decorated it with a picture of these things. This shoe is now attached to a paper bag and students are collecting things which show what type of person they are and what is special about them. As we complete different activities they will be storing them in their bag, and we will share these with our class at the end of term. We are calling these bags our ‘Shoecase’.
Here are some photos of our Shoecase bags.
Congratulations to all of our Level 3/4 students who participated in the District Athletics carnival. We had representatives in events such as shot put, long jump and relays, along with other events. This was a great experience for our students and they represented our school very well.
It was a wonderful turnout at our special Mother’s Day Breakfast Club this week. It was a lovely opportunity for mums and grandmas to spend some special time together here at school.
We wish all mums a very happy Mother’s Day on Sunday.