Year 1/2
Level Newsletter
Year 1/2
Level Newsletter
It’s hard to believe that we are almost halfway through Term 2! Last week, we had House Cross Country where the rain held off long enough for the students to compete in their races. They all did a marvelous job and tried their very best. It was also great to hear lots of cheering and encouragement.
The Year 1/2 students have been working so hard this term, learning how to write information reports. They are particularly enjoying drafting their final information report about an animal of their choice. They have been eagerly writing lots of facts and are trying very hard to not include any personal opinions!
Parent Helpers
In a few weeks, our level will be going on an excursion to Healesville Sanctuary as part of our Habitats unit. We need 3 parent helpers to come with us on the bus and to help take small groups. If you are interested, please email your child’s teacher and we will select names out of a hat if we have more than required. Unfortunately, younger siblings won’t be able to attend.
Also, please let us know if you are interested in becoming a parent helper in your child’s classroom. We would appreciate some help in the morning (just for the first 40 minutes during our Morning Rigour sessions) to read with our students. Please let us know your availability.
- Kate Fox and Hannah Flintoff
STAR Mathematicians
There are 3 different stars below. Can you work out what number each star represents?
The students have been amazing during their Morning Rigour sessions! They continue to work on their individual Rainbow Maths skill, followed by spelling practice using our Write2Read program. This week we spoke about how regular practice builds the synapses in our brains that allows us to store new information into our automatic memory.