Josh and Tilly (Proud Grainger House Captains, celebrating cross country success)

Yundi, Weidi and Amy visted the office with Mother's Day Gifts for Sue, Benita, Mrs May and Ms Ancrum
Yundi, Weidi and Amy visted the office with Mother's Day Gifts for Sue, Benita, Mrs May and Ms Ancrum


Our newsletter this week features a cover photo of our students' beautiful Mother's Day creations. We love that our students are making uniquely special and heartfelt gifts for our mothers and special friends. Please take a look at some of their art works below.


Elke and Pola
Elke and Pola


Mothers Day Events


Grade 6



Grade 1



Above: Some of our grade 1 students with family. Below: Families enjoy a beautiful choir performance. Year One Choir is gearing up to embark on its first 'Waltzing Matilda' tour.


Cross Country



Friendship Lunch



Prep and Grade 1


Aquarium visit


Arya (1B) : "We went to the aquarium. You can see a picture of me above with Chloe. We are standing in front of a fish tank. I loved seeing the penguins because they look so cute and they are very cool."


Around the school


Archie1F: "I love Pyjama Day because it is fun. I like wearing my Minecraft hoodie. My friends are all wearing different pyjamas. My friend Hugo C is wearing Pokemon pyjamas."


Grade 2


Isabelle (2P): "In art we are drawing trees. I like drawing."


Grades 3 and 4



Grades 5 and 6


Grade 6 Radio Show



“Our radio show is about our school. It is on Southern FM at 7am every third week. Our first show was last week. It was very daunting but a lot of fun. We talked about lots of interesting topics: one was fun facts; one was on sport; and one segment was a game of celebrity heads. I really enjoyed the opportunity to share about myself. “



“When we got there we walked into the studio. There were big comfy black chairs and big microphones and a computer and lots of buttons. I was nervous at the start but when we got into it I started to really enjoy it. We talked about a lot of topics. We started by introducing ourselves and then we played three different games. I learnt that you can’t talk over the top of each other, each person needs to be heard clearly.”



“I was nervous at the start, but after a while the nerves just drifted away and it felt like a normal conversation. I really hope BBPS families can tune into the next show because we aim to make the show really fun and we  want to make each show a different experience. We are all extremely proud of our first show because it really pushed us out of our comfort zone and  we learnt not to doubt ourselves.