
Natalia, Charlotte, Wynter, David and Flynn 

Grade 1 - Harvey, Ned, Alice, Oscar, Miia and Juliet
Grade 1 - Harvey, Ned, Alice, Oscar, Miia and Juliet

Let The Games Begin.....



Let The Games Begin is about three contestants Lyla (Wynter), Holly (Charlotte) and Jerry (Flynn) who are about to answer the winning question on The Impossible Quiz, a very prestigious game show. Their host, Jackson (David) has other plans for the contestants and plays a bit of a trick on them. When the prize case is opened, there's nothing in it except a letter. They are given clues as to what happens next. But where has the prize gone? Has someone stolen it? 


Keep Thursday 1st August free to find out!! Let the games begin! :)


Grade 4
Grade 6
Grade 4
Grade 6

Coming soon...

  • Costumes - each class will need to wear a costume for their production item. More information will be in the next newsletter so that you will have time to source the items. 
  • Tickets - link will be available at the end of the term
  • USB - we will be recording the production again and USB's will be available to purchase.

Helpers Needed!


We still need a few parents to help with building props. If you can assist us, please see Miss Wickes (Performing Arts) or Mrs Hellier (Visual Arts).