Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships

This week in Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships, The Year Fours have been learning about building positive gender relationships. They have been exploring gender identity, challenging stereotypes and learning to value and show respect for diversity and difference. They have played games within the classroom to help them realise their likes and dislikes do not have to be limited by gender and their preferences and interests can change and evolve over time. We compared traditional fairy tales and modern children literature in the classroom and discussed the growth and evolvement in roles given to men and women.
This is what we came up with after watching Cinderella.
These were the similarities students found they have with each other. These were the wonderings some of the students had after being fairy tale detectives.
This is some group work from the students after we read The Paper Bag Princess.
Holly Green,
on behalf of the Year 4 Team