News From Mr Smith

Dear School Community Members,


Student leadership is a high priority for us at Mano as student voice is a critical element in a high performing school. With this in mind, we continue to expand the leadership opportunities for our students. This includes our School Captains and Vice Captains, our House Captains, our Positive Behaviour and Wellbeing Ambassadors, our Class Ambassadors and our Junior School Councillors. These opportunities commence at Grade 2. Our 2023 Student Leadership Team have been instrumental in so many aspects of our school this year and I look forward to highlighting this in the coming weeks. 

Yesterday we continued our selection process for our 2024 Student Leadership Team and I was blown away with the leadership capacity we have at Mano. The team ethos, the passion of Mano, the enthusiasm, the care for each other, the aspirations, the honesty and the selflessness was on full display. I am incredibly confident in another positive and successful 2024 under the guidance of our 2024 Student Leadership Team.

Mano is a great place to be! 


Mano Colour Run: 

“One more sleep until the Colour Run”, yelled the excited Grade 1 boy. 

“The big day is here – tomorrow is our Colour Run”, whispered the Grade 3 girl.

Date:                     Friday 10th November (tomorrow)

Time:                    2:00pm – 3:10pm

Venue:                 Peter Lowe Reserve

Thank you to our families who have registered their children in readiness for our Colour Run tomorrow.  So much fun will be had by our students as we raise funds for our new Junior Playground. With the forecast of warm temperatures and to set our students up for a positive day, please note the following for tomorrow:

  • Families are warmly welcome to attend our Colour Run and support from the fenceline
  • Students will wear casual clothes with a white t-shirt
  • Students will require a named drink bottle
  • Students will require a hat that is not their Mano Sunsmart hat (as the hat will get coloured) 
  • Students will be encouraged to apply sunscreen
  • A hydration station and Sunsmart station will be available 

We look forward to another wonderful Mano event!


Student Transition: 

Date:                     Friday 10th November (tomorrow)

Time:                    9:30am – 11:00am

Tomorrow is our first ‘Step-Up’ session for all students. This session involves students participating in transition activities in their 2024 year level. This helps prepare students for their transition to their next year level. It will be great to see our 2024 Prep students again, as well as our current students learning about all the opportunities and experiences they will engage in next year. 

Teachers have begun the process of compiling our classes for 2024. This process is complex and something we take very seriously. Academic needs are considered, friendships play an important part, as well as a range of other factors. Students are guaranteed at least one of the four friends they nominated. 


Remembrance Day: Our annual Remembrance Day ceremony will take place:

Date:                     Monday 13th November

Time:                    9:05am

Venue:                 Assembly area (in front of flag poles)

We will observe a minute’s silence and lay wreathes in memory of fallen service men and women. Please feel free to join us for this special service and take some time to discuss the significance of events such as these with your children.


Thank you for supporting our school and have a great week.


Christian Smith
