From the Principal 

Week 6 Term 4 2023

Dear Parents and Carers


I hope everyone enjoyed the extended break over the Melbourne Cup weekend and were able to take advantage of the warmer weather.


Prep Orientation

The latest Prep  2024 Orientation session was held this morning. The children are very excited about starting school in the new year. The purpose of these sessions is for the children  and their families to become very familiar with the school environment.


Colour/Slime Run

Thank you to the Fundraising committee  for organising the  Colour/Slime run today. The children had a blast. The committee will inform you of the amount raised in the coming weeks. What a wonderful community effort.





A funeral will be held  in the church at 2.00pm tomorrow.  The children who leave via Severn street will exit the school via the small gate near the oval. Thank you for your understanding.



School Fees

Just a reminder that all school fees should now have been paid. This is greatly appreciated.



Please follow the parking conditions/instructions around the school, especially on Marwal and Severn Streets. This is for the safety of the children. There are also regular visits from parking officers ensuring our parents follow the signs.


Remembrance Day

This coming Saturday the 11th of November, is Remembrance Day. A day that we acknowledge and honour those who died while serving in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.  It marks the anniversary of the Armistice that ended fighting in World War I: at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.


St Bede's will be holding a ceremony tomorrow between  10.50-am and 11.00am in recognition of this special day.

Have a great week
