Assistant Principal -


Mrs Mellissa Bell

What does it take to be a good student leader?


It was great pride that I announced the Student Leadership Team for 2024 at our Commissioning Mass, Wednesday 25th October. I am not alone in believing that this team of Leaders will take on their roles with a sense of pride and passion. 



CAPTAINS:                   John Harris, Indiana Ramage, Alexis Cook and Georgina Schultz

BENILDE CAPTAINS:   Frazer McQueen and Brooke Newberry

LASALLE CAPTAINS:   Thomas Fittler and Salisar Poomimpak

MERICI CAPTAINS:      Clancy McDermott and Finlay Coop

URSULA CAPTAINS:    Lily Bull and Lucas Howlett


FAITH & SERVICE:      Josephine Ryan

ARTS:                           Lilly Croft

SPORTS:                      Ava Vaughan


Students were encouraged to write a letter to the School Leadership Team and Mr Andrews, nominating themselves for a range of positions. The majority of applications for the initial round were of such high quality that we felt we needed to interview each and every student and ask them a range of questions, focused on the immediate needs of the position but we also asked them to think about how we can work together to continue to build on the strong foundations we have here at O’Connor. This created a very busy week 2 for members of the school leadership team as we held 32 interviews. 


We found ourselves zooming and making long distance calls to some candidates as they were travelling, and we booked numerous spaces to meet face to face. The conversations were rich and thoughtful and many students had some creative and practical ideas to build a real sense of belonging to the College. 


There was definitely a very strong theme between all candidates - these young people are very proud to be part of the story and fabric of O’Connor and that they see a need to work closer with students in other year groups. They all identified the core foundations of FAITH, SERVICE and COMMUNITY as what makes this school unique.


12 students were invited to stand in front of their peers and present a 2 minute speech. Each and everyone of them spoke with pride and conviction. Everyone listened intently. By the end of the speeches it was clearly evident that the Class of 2024 are a tight group of students, united by a want to connect, to create community and to lift the college community together. I am looking forward to the opportunity of working closely with this team over the next 12 months.




A sense of passion - a dream and vision that will inspire others to share the journey and to set short and long term goals

A sense of responsibility - an ability to be accountable for their actions 

A sense of compassion and empathy - an ability to stop and listen other people's perspectives and to work hard to ensure everyone has an opportunity to be seen and heard

A sense of respect - for self and others and this is reflected in language and actions


An ability to communicate effectively - to build a clear picture using words but also an ability to actively listen to others and to then work together.

An ability to work as part of a team, but to also be able to know when to be the leader of the team - to be able to be cooperative and compromise when needed

An ability to be a problem solver - to see a challenge as an opportunity to grow and show adaptability and flexibility in thinking and actions


These are key skills and qualities we want for all our students as well, not just for our leaders. These qualities are essential to creating and fostering a positive environment for learning, academically but also personally. 


As we continue to create and work in partnership I look forward to continuing to foster such strong and community minded students in the coming years based in the community that our new leaders are keen to continue to build and foster across all areas of the school.






Warm regards,

Mellissa Bell

Assistant Principal - Wellbeing 







E-safety Commissioner - report incidents of cyberbullying etc. Parent information and webinars readily available



Safe on Social - A highly regarded Australian site offering support and information on all things social media based

Vaping and Social Media

When your Friend is the cyberbully

How social media gives the loudest microphone to the most dangerous people



Vaping for parents

The dangers of chroming

Nitrous oxide - drug and alcohol information

Your room - Drug and alcohol information



Boys Town - great place for quick and easy supports for parenting (  A LaSallian resource)