Assistant Principal  -Curriculum

Mr Stephen Chapman 

Dear parents/caregivers, staff, students and friends,


In my article for this Newsletter, I’ll be talking about four things: 1. The huge variety of opportunities that are available, 2. Our new Student Leaders, 3. The new Mobile Phone Policy, and 4. Mrs Janet Price.


Take the opportunities that come up


I’ll start my article by encouraging our students to take up the many opportunities that are offered through O’Connor.  I am constantly amazed at the number and variety of special events and clubs that are available.  Most of these are advertised in the daily notices or sent out through Compass notifications or emails.  


This year, we have partnered with Jane Keenan from Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP).  She is happy to work with students who are interested in linking with industry in our region.  She has organised Girls Can Too (TAFE), Girls in Civil, Girls in Ag Camp to Moree, Costa Tomato Farm Tour, Guyra Shearing School and the Essential Energy Tour.  All of these are fully funded by the government, which makes them so accessible for all students.


Jane Keenen from RIEP has helped our students (and other schools) by organising fantastic events.

Costa Tomato Farm Tour earlier this term


Other opportunities that quite a few students are taking up at the moment included those associated with our VET courses.  We have numbers of students in Year 10 currently studying Year 11 VET via early commencement.  Some of these are also completing a SBAT (School-Based Traineeship) and are working one day per week in their chosen industry.  Right now there are around about 7 students in Year 9 who are looking at signing up for a SBAT starting next year linked to their chosen VET course.  It is so exciting to have those discussions with these motivated students.  Other students are completing one week work experience with employers to try an industry. 


There are, of course, so many more things to get involved in at O’Connor.  Here are some examples: The Dungeons and Dragons Club, Z Club, Vinnies, a whole variety of sports, knitting/textiles club, choir, saxophone lessons at school, ensembles, careers talks in the library (eg. Army Careers talk today at recess), wellbeing group, House activities (Go Benilde!), etc.  Of course this list goes on and on.  I have only mentioned a few.


The speeches made by the Year 12 2024 students who had nominated for Captain often mentioned opportunities like these.  They talked about the benefits from being brave and having a go at new things.  I’ll elaborate on our leaders next.


New Student Leaders

What a pleasure it has been to see the naming of our Student Leaders for 2024 happen this week!  I have had the pleasure to interview many of these fine young people, then listen to their passionate speeches.  Finally, the people in Year 10, 11 and staff voted.  Congratulations to them all.  We have a fine group of students who make up Year 12 2024.  

Our incoming Year 12 2024 Student Leadership Team (Brooke Newberry absent)


The speeches and interviews done by the candidates were inspiring.  Their passion and pride for O’Connor came through so clearly.  Thank you, Year 12 2024.


Mobile Phone Policy


Thank you, everybody, for such a positive start to our new Mobile Phone Policy.  It’s been in place for two weeks now and there is an obvious improvement in a number of ways.  Firstly, there has been a clear reduction in the number of phones being taken to the office for the day.  In term 3, we averaged around 7 phones taken to the office after inappropriate use by students.  So far this term, with this stricter policy in place, we average 2 to 3 phones taken to the office per day.  Not bad from a school of 510 students.  Thank you, students, for doing the right thing.


The most important change is what I see walking around classes and the playground.  Students are not glued to their phones.  In fact, there are hardly any phones seen.  Instead, students are focused on their learning.  In the playground, I see students talking to each other, sharing jokes and stories.  There is an increase in the number of students playing all varieties of sports, including handball, basketball, football (soccer) and touch.  This is what this policy is aimed at.  Improving learning and social outcomes for all students.  


To help this, can I ask for parents/carers to refrain from contacting their children via their mobile phone between 8.50 am and 3.20 pm.  If necessary, we are happy to pass a message on via the front office.


Finally, there will be a survey sent out in Week 5 this term to all students, parents and staff to evaluate the Mobile Phone Policy so the best version can be implemented for the start of next year.


Farewell Mrs Janet Price


The whole school community was saddened to hear that Mrs Janet Price has decided to resign from O’Connor Catholic College.  Janet has been teaching at O’Connor for 35 years and will be greatly missed.  She has been the heart and soul of the school Ag Farm during that time and it is hard to imagine school life without her.  Janet is the ultimate example of having an unconditional high regard for young people, which forms a core value we ask for for our staff at O’Connor.  When students are asked to name an adult who has supported them at school, Mrs Price is often at the top of their list.  Thank you, Janet.  Good luck with the next chapter of your life.









Mr Stephen Chapman

Assistant Principal - Curriculum


Never stop learning; for when we stop learning, we stop growing  - Jack Lewman